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This research stemmed initially from a debate over the interpretation of the documents related to the presence of the Labrador Inuit in the Strait of Belle Isle, as published in Etudes/Inuit/Studies in 1980. After it became obvious that it was impossible to tackle the problem related to the timing and extent of the 16th and 17th century Labrador Inuit presence in Southern Labrador, the research problem was changed to documenting the Strait of Belle Isle culture history for a 60-year period ranging from 1760-1820.

This research is a study of the timing and nature of Inuit/European contact in Southern Labrador as evidenced from the written sources and the archaeological research.

The excavations at two 18th century sod house sites and the sampling of 21 other houses scattered in the Strait of Belle Isle are analysed for patterned evidence of ethnic affiliation. One of the excavated houses is of Inuit origin and the other of European origin. The 21 other sod houses, which were only sampled, are likely the product of the initial year-round European settlers of the late 18th century Strait of Belle Isle.

Although the initial premise was that the Labrador Inuit were in the Strait of Belle Isle during the 16th and 17th centuries, it received little support from this study. The Labrador Inuit were probably in the Strait during the summers, but did not leave any extensive archaeological traces that we could notice. Their presence is noticeable at the end of the 18th century when they seem to have been attracted by the increased European activities in the Strait of Belle Isle.

The evidence indicates an advanced state of acculturation of the Inuit greater than what was revealed in the written documents. Moreover, it appears that the first European settlers of the Strait of Belle Isle were building sod houses similar to the 19th century Labrador Inuit, and that they spread themselves along the shores of the Strait at key locations to be near the best fishing resources. A last contribution of this research is that it provides a comparative collection of the material culture for a 60-year span which ranges from 1760 to 1820.


Labrador Inuit and Europeans in the Strait of Belle Isle: From the written sources to the archaeological evidence
Auger, Reginald
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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